10 Consistency Quotes to Help You Keep Going


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Nothing is more effective than consistency when it comes to making your company, or your performance, stand out. In a sense, it underlines the message you want to convey to stakeholders and customers regarding your ability to regularly achieve goals and objectives. In short, consistency is the habit that leads to successful projects.

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In any enterprise, consistency means that you’re organized, and people know what to expect. That consistency creates an atmosphere where managers and employees are more comfortable. And where there’s consistency, there is usually productivity. While change is inevitable, a lot of wasted energy can be focused on unnecessary change: change that you should be able to control, such as policies and procedures. Being consistent in the fundamental structure of an organization means that teams don’t have to stop working to get accustomed to new regulations.

Then there’s the baseline of consistency, which allows for easier measurement of progress with reporting tools. Therefore, when you apply new initiatives, you have consistent data on which to compare whether the change is for better or worse. Also, when managers and teams are consistent, then they’re accountable because everyone knows what’s expected.

What else can we say about consistency? Nothing more than what’s already been said by greater minds than ours, which is why we’ve collected 10 of the best consistency quotes. To make sure you don’t misquote us, we created popup art for each quote, so you can cut them out and place them around the office for when you need a beacon to help you maintain your work ethic.

Consistency Quotes

consistency quote from dwayne johnson

“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.” – Dwayne Johnson

With a nickname like “The Rock,” what else would you expect? The wrestler-turned-actor knows that waiting for inspiration is not an option. Working consistently towards a goal will have you not only achieve it in time but will also reveal greatness in the process.

consistency quote from roger staubach

“In any team sport, the best teams have consistency and chemistry.” – Roger Staubach

Though this NFL quarterback was referring to football, his consistency quote could just as easily be about business if you delete the word “sport.” A quarterback is like a manager, one who assembles a team and has an ethic of consistency to get their project over the goal line. And chemistry is often the byproduct of that consistency.

Related: 10 Strategies to Motivate Your Team

consistency quote from drew barrymore

“I pray to be like the ocean, with soft currents, maybe waves at time. More and more, I want the consistency rather than the highs and lows.” – Drew Barrymore

Actress Drew Barrymore has known her share of highs and lows, coming from a famous family and experiencing the roller-coaster ride of early fame. Over that time, she’s come to understand that consistency is the best course to live a happier and more productive life. The same can be said about any project, which suffers from apathy as much as it can from exuberance.

consistency quote from bruce springsteen

“Getting an audience is hard. Sustaining an audience is hard. It demands a consistency of thought, of purpose and of action over a long period of time.” – Bruce Springsteen

They don’t call him “The Boss” for nothing. His career is a perfect example of a creative project that is subject to the demands of the marketplace. A lot of talent goes unseen, or withers on the vine, without the consistency to care for that soil and put in the hard work over time to make it bloom again and again.

consistency quote from vitruvius

“Consistency is found in that work whose whole and detail are suitable to the occasion. It arises from circumstance, custom and nature.” – Vitruvius

Roman author, architect, civil engineer and military engineer Vitruvius wrote the book on architecture and knew that consistency wasn’t simply repeating the same task. Consistency is one piece of the larger structure that must be aligned with the other elements involved in the project. This means that consistency for consistency’s sake is wrong. Consistency grows out of the parameters of your project.

consistency quote from millard drexler

“People like consistency. Whether it’s a store or a restaurant, they want to come in and see what you are famous for.” – Millard Drexler

Millard Drexler, former CEO and current chairman of the J. Crew Group, knows that the customer might not always be right, but they have certain expectations that must be met for any enterprise to succeed. Consistency helps lay that groundwork, which will bring stakeholders to your team for the work they want done, because it’s the work you’ve shown you can do well.

consistency quote from michelle phan

“It’s very easy to make a viral video, but longevity and consistency, that’s hard.” – Michelle Phan

Nobody said it would be easy. We live in a culture that loves a flash in the pan. Success has a shelf life that lasts about as long as it takes to make the next clip. Certainly, makeup artist and YouTube sensation Michelle Phan gets it. Anyone can make you notice them once, maybe even twice, but to have staying power means consistency, which isn’t based on gimmicks. It’s hard work.

consistency quote from peggy noonan

“Part of courage is simple consistency.” – Peggy Noonan

Peggy Noonan, a speechwriter for Ronald Reagan and political columnist for The Wall Street Journal, speaks of courage, but not without noting its underlying foundation in consistency. Once you’ve done your due diligence and have made that plan, it often takes great courage to follow it consistently, but it’s often that lodestar that will lead you to the mountaintop after wading through the valleys. That doesn’t mean that you should be stubborn. Know when change trumps consistency.

consistency quote from heath ledger

“Anyone that has a job that takes them away from home, I think, can understand the difficulties in maintaining consistency, not only with your family and those you love but with your friends.” – Heath Ledger

Consistency might be the goal, but there are hurdles blocking that path, many of which are unexpected. Actor Heath Ledger is talking about working in film, but the same is true with any project. It can keep you from those you love, and that will erode the consistency of your work. It’s something to be on guard about. You can’t neglect the important balance of life and work, and you can’t let one corrupt the other.

consistency quote from robert gottlieb

“What makes a publishing house great? The easy answer is the consistency with which it produces books of value over a lengthy period of time.” Robert Gottlieb

As editor-in-chief of Simon & Schuster, Alfred A. Knopf and The New Yorker, Robert Gottlieb knows about success in publishing. It’s that simple. Just make the best product, and do it every time. That, of course, is easier said than done. But as we end this series of quotes on consistency, it’s good to get back to the basics. Aim high and stay there.

Take Your Consistency to the Next Level with ProjectManager

“Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan.” — Tom Landry

A football game is a project of sorts. It’s limited in time, you have a team tasked with a goal, (literally, in this case) and a quarterback and manager who have a plan to get there. Coach Tom Landry knows that a big part of that is consistency, showing up and doing the work.

Real-Time Communication

Imagine how much more glory he could have attained with a project management tool like ProjectManager. Our software has features that make planning transparent, so everyone is always on the same page. Communications are facilitated by email alerts, so whenever a project status is updated, you know about it.

ProjectManager's list view with a task overlay

Live Data for Better Execution

Trusting your team is important. It builds morale and creates greater productivity. But to make sure they’re consistently executing their tasks, we monitor and report on their progress. Our real-time dashboard gives you a high-level view of workload, costs and more. While one-click reporting goes into deeper detail, with filters to show just the data you want. And you can share it with stakeholders, so they see that you’re consistently meeting your milestones.

ProjectManager’s dashboard view, which shows six key metrics on a project
ProjectManager’s dashboards give you a bird’s-eye view of all of your key project metrics.

Flexibility to Maintain Good Results

While consistency is important, being unduly wedded to it can be dangerous. Projects must bend or they’ll break, which is why our software is flexible to pivot as changes threaten to derail your work. For example, you can catch potential bottlenecks in your workflow with our kanban board project view, which gives you visibility into production. Before it becomes an issue, you can quickly reallocate resources and stay on track.

ProjectManager's kanban board
Keep track of your projects with kanban boards, a visual tool to increase your productivity.

Consistency is sometimes great, other times it’s the hobgoblin of little minds, but one thing you can count on is ProjectManager. Our award-winning software organizes your projects for quality deliverables, on time and within budget.

If you’re looking for consistency, the last thing you want is a tool flaking out on you. It’s hard enough to work towards consistency without having to second-guess the software you’re using to get there. ProjectManager is an online project management software that you can depend on. It gives you the real-time data you need and the features to plan, monitor and report consistently. Try it today and see with this free 30-day trial.